A Course in a Case
Consultant & Advisor
Peter is now working as an independent consultant to help training companies provide accredited surveillance & private investigations qualifications without the hassle.
Your staff may be very experienced in conducting covert surveillance or teaching surveillance, but are you well versed in interpreting the course specifications, outcomes, and full assessment requirements?
As a training centre, your goal is to achieve Direct Claims Status (DCS) in minimum time for your learners to have their qualification certificates as soon as possible. Achieving DCS can take many months for some centres.
A Surveillance Course in a Case
As a training provider, why struggle to set up a course; training programmes, lesson plans, PowerPoint's, exercises, handouts, assessments etc when you can have a complete training course ready to go in a 'Case'.
Peter can provide professional guidance to ensure that your training programmes, lessons, training exercises, tuition & feedback follow a holistic approach to ensure all aspects of the assessments are covered in a simple, easy and manageable way.
As a training centre you will undergo periodic assessments by your awarding organisation to ensure you follow best practice and to confirm that the tutors, assessors, and internal verifiers are competent in their role. In addition, and just as important, the learners’ assessments are to specification standard, correctly and fairly marked in accordance with the Awarding Organisations criteria.
Course in a Case for Surveillance Training & Professional Investigation Courses
For a consultancy visit at your training centre, Peter can provide you with the following:
Training Course Programmes
Complete Lesson Plans
PowerPoint Lessons & Presentations
Supporting Reading Material (Handouts)
Briefing, Planning & Reporting Templates
Realistic Training Exercise Scenarios
Assessment Procedures & Audit Trails
Suggested Training Equipment
Discounted Training Manuals
Training Course Programmes
Depending on the duration of your training course and your ‘working’ day, we can provide you with a suggested training schedule that will cover all the Guided Learning Hours for each Unit. This includes lesson time, practice, feedback, further practice and assessment.
Lesson Plans
Each lesson in the syllabus is provided in a plan format to include the Learning Outcomes, what is to be taught and suggested methods of delivery.
Course Lesson Plans
Course Handouts
PowerPoint Presentations
Each lesson in the syllabus is supported by a PowerPoint presentation that covers the indicative content of the specification which you can modify to your own requirements.
Supporting Learning Material (Handouts)
Each lecture has it unique ‘printed’ handouts to support the lesson. These are for the students use, to reinforce learning and use as a guide when completing assessments. The ‘handouts’ will be provided in digital format and can be amended as you wish.
Briefing, Planning & Reporting Templates
Digital templates of forms to be used for Planning, Recces, Briefings, and surveillance logs together with examples of reports are provided in digital format for you to adapt to give to your learners. They will be compliant with the learning outcomes for the ‘portfolio’ based assessments.
Training Exercise Scenarios
A suggested series of progressive and realistic training exercises are already written and provided to ensure that all the learning outcomes are met for the observed assessments. These include, exercise briefings, the targets brief, realistic mobile & foot surveillance scenarios where the learners have to maintain logs and obtain imagery.
Assessment Procedures & Audit Trails
Assessment processing can be very time consuming and made difficult for the assessor unless procedures are simplified to ensure fairness and accountability. We can provide a system of assessment to make the process easy and manageable for the assessor and the internal verifier.
Suggested Training Equipment
We can suggest what specialist equipment and teaching aids are recommended to ensure that you are offering a fully equipped service to teach each subject professionally without the need for taking shortcuts and keeping your training costs to a minimum.
For a one off payment you will receive all of the above detailed training material in digital format for you to amend and change as you wish. You will also receive two days consultancy in setting up and delivery of the material plus ongoing support.